
Train your teams

Train today to anticipate tomorrow 

For a company, staying in its markets and winning new ones means constantly adapting, gaining in productivity, quality and reliability. It also means innovating and anticipating changes in an environment where businesses change, evolve and technologies progress. In this context, the human resource is the most promising of your resources as long as it is prepared for change too.

Hire an apprentice

The apprenticeship training at ENIM in partnership with ITII Lorraine

The apprenticeship is an academic education that integrates the theoretical teachings to the practical experiences.
The objective is to create great professionals thanks to a progressive immersion in the professional world. During 3 years, the enterprises will be actively participating in the education and professional evolution of future engineers.

Supporting ENIM

Train your future employees by supporting ENIM 

You are a company manager and you would like to encourage future talents? Support ENIM by paying us your apprenticeship tax!  

ENIM is more than a higher education institution, it is first and foremost a school open to the industries’ real needs. 


At Metz national school of engineering, the courses are in line with the needs expressed by enterprises. The teachings are pragmatic and 60% of these, take place in the laboratory or in the industry. 
Thus, the school offers you a whole range of solutions to support you in your development

Soutenir l'ENIM (TA)

Soutenez l'ENIM pour former vos futurs collaborateurs

La taxe d’apprentissage, un levier incontournable 

Vous êtes chef d’entreprise et vous souhaitez encourager les talents de demain ?
Soutenez l’ENIM en nous versant votre taxe d’apprentissage ! 


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